Here at Mother's Hope we make it mandatory for all the pregnant girls to go through a series of regular exercise with guidance from experts while they are pregnant to improve the efficiency and health of their heart and blood vessels, which help them maintain or achieve a body weight that’s best for them throughout their pregnancy, will help prevent constipation, which help them keep an overall healthy feeling of their body copes with the physical changes that occur during these nine months.

How? Reduce your risk of pregnancy and STDs by keeping your partner’s semen, blood, or vaginal fluids from getting into your body.

Best preventive for unwanted pregnancy or STD/HIV is ...
No oral, anal, vaginal contact
There’s nothing to purchase and can be used anytime. Abstinence requires commitment and self-control. It’s the only option that is 100% effective.

- Use latex or polyurethane condoms and/or dental dams correctly and consistently.
- Use water-based lubricants to increase sensitivity and reduce the possibility of condom breakage.
- Have STD testing be part of your regular check-up.
- Learn the signs and symptoms of STDs.
- Do not mix sex with the use of drugs and alcohol.
- Have a healthy self-concept: You deserve respect!
- Realize that safer sex is good sex.

You must not let embarrassment stop you from protecting your health and your life. If you need to practice with a friend, write notes to yourself.
Think about what you want to say ahead of time.
Be clear about your limits and decide what you are comfortable doing sexually.
Keep your sense of humor.
Be flexible about when you will talk. Don’t wait until you are intimate to start communicating.
Communicate with your partner honestly so you can both make informed choices.
Give your partner time to think about what you have said.
Decide what you both feel comfortable doing sexually.
If your partner refuses to practice safer sex, you may need to re-evaluate your relationship.
What are the risks?(If you don't follow the above advice)
Sexually Transmitted Deseases (STDs):
STDs do not discriminate on the basis of
age, race, social class, or sex.
Anyone who is sexually active can get or transmit an STD.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases are infections you transmit or receive during unprotected sexual contact, some are more easily spread than others, and they can be bacterial or viral infections.
Bacterial Infections include: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis, and Trichomoniasis.
These bacterial infections can usually be cured with antibiotics.
Viral Infections include: Genital Warts (HPV), Herpes (HSV), Hepatitis B (HBV) and
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Viral infections cannot be cured, but can often be treated for symptom relief.
How are STDs spread?
STDs are spread during close sexual activity: vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex. The more partners, the greater the risk.
Signs and symptoms of STDs:
- Unusual vaginal discharge
- Pain in pelvic area
- Burning or itching around vagina
- Bleeding from vagina that is not your regular period
- Pain deep inside your vagina when you have sex
- Pus-like discharge from penis
- Burning and/or painful urination
- Warts on the genitals or anus
- Blister-like lesions anywhere on the genitals
- Bumps, sores, blisters near your genitals or mouth
- Burning/pain when you urinate or have a bowel movement
- Swelling or redness in your throat
- Flu-like feelings with fever, chills, and aches
- Swelling around your genitals
- 80% of women and 50% of men will show no symptoms.
If an STD is left untreated . . .
Potential infertility for both men and women.
Transmission to newborns.
Some have been associated with cervical cancer.
Potentially fatal.
You may be at an increased risk of contracting HIV or other STDs.
Other things you should know . . .
Sexual infections can happen to anybody.
The sooner you treat an infection, the better.
You never become immune to STDs.
You can have more than one STD at the same time.
STDs are among the most common infections in the nation.
If you think you might have an STD . . .
Go to a doctor or clinic right away.
You have an obligation to inform all partners if you test positive for an STD.
Make sure your partner(s) are tested also.
Do not have sexual contact if you suspect you have an STD.
Do not have sexual contact during treatment.
HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that leads into the disease called AIDS(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). It’s a human disease, not transmitted by mosquitoes, rabbits, dogs, etc. HIV is acquired from someone else, it doesn’t spontaneously appear, and there is no cure.
What fluids transmit the HIV?
- Semen
- Vaginal Fluid
- Blood
- Breast Milk
The risk with sex:
Anal sex - Highest sexual risk because the anus is lined with a mucus membrane, which is a very delicate tissue that tears easily AND is the only lining that HIV can pass through. Need to use latex condoms with plenty of water-based lubricant because there is NO natural lubricant. Also, BLOOD is a concern because of tearing.
Vaginal sex – Same problems as anal, but there is natural lubrication. Unfortunately, there is usually not enough. Use extra water-based lubricant with latex condoms.
Oral sex – Least sexual risk. Do not brush teeth before unprotected oral sex because of the millions of cuts that are caused. Always be aware of cuts and open sores in your mouth and your partner’s. Use flavored condoms or dental dams.
Should you get tested for HIV/AIDS?
Certain behaviors – and not only sexual – may put you at increased risk of contracting or transmitting HIV. To find out if you may be at risk, answer these questions:
Have you ever had unprotected sex, (oral, vaginal or anal sex without a latex condom)?
Have you ever shared needles to shoot drugs, gotten a tattoo or pierced a body part? (It is extremely important that all piercing and tattoos be done with new, not just sterilized needles!)
Have you ever had sex with someone who has had sex with another partner?
Have you ever had an STD (sexually transmitted disease)?
Have you ever had sex with someone who might answer yes to any of the above questions?
If you answered YES to any question-or aren’t sure of an answer -